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Love and Regret

Love and Regret


Regular price 23.00 CAD
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Subtitle: Extended Edition Author: Zhang Dinghao Publisher: Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House
ISBN: 9787532180189

This book is an updated version of the masterpiece "Love and Sorrow" by critic Zhang Dinghao. After six years, more than 40,000 words were finally added. Eros is not only passion, but also a loss of control, and a complex mental life; pity represents morality and responsibility. Both are often overwhelming, but are the choices of most good novelists who aim to write about human life. From Graham Greene and Alice Munro to Auden and Brodsky, from "Stoner" to "The Loafer of the River of Trouble", the book involves basically the author's favorite writers and writers. work. In a sense, this is a book of reading and writing, as well as a book of self-examination.

One is aware at the same time of the power and impotence of words, of the abundance and poverty of love. But he still writes, to please those unattainable shadows.

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