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Eichmann in Jerusalem

Eichmann in Jerusalem

[美] 汉娜·阿伦特

Regular price 20.00 CAD
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Subtitle: A Report on the Banality of Evil Author: [US] Hannah Arendt Translator: Annie Press: Yilin Press

●Hannah Arendt’s highly controversial book comprehensively summarizes the Nazi Jewish policy in World War II, and puts forward the famous concept of "banality of evil", which has sparked debates in the western intellectual circles for fifty years

●Record the whole process of the trial of Nazi war criminals in detail, restore the historical scene, and discuss the legitimacy of the post-war trial

●The unabridged Simplified Chinese full translation is published for the first time

●Special collection of Arendt’s preface in German and introduction by German historian Hans Mommsen

In 1961, the Jerusalem District Court launched a protracted trial against Adolf Eichmann, a Nazi war criminal and an important implementer of the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question". Hannah Arendt wrote five reports on the trial for The New Yorker, which were assembled in a book. "Eichmann in Jerusalem" records in detail the whole process of the trial that attracted global attention, and combined with the analysis of a large amount of historical materials, it puts forward the concept of "banal evil". The incarnation of evil may not necessarily be a violent demon, but may also be an ordinary, dedicated, and loyal civil servant. The crimes committed by Eichmann due to thoughtlessness and blind obedience cannot be pardoned under the pretext of "obeying orders" or "acts of the state".

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