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Peace of mind is home

Peace of mind is home


Regular price 17.00 CAD
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Author: Ji Xianlin Publishing House: Gu Wuxuan Publishing House

Ji Xianlin has experienced the great sufferings and sorrows of life, and the ups and downs of life. However, in his life, he never argues or argues, does not complain or complain, is full of innocence, clings to his own attachments, and is content with the present. He is one of the few scholars in the world who are proficient in Tocharian. At the same time, he uses simple words to convey a concept to the world - peace of mind is the home of life.

This book aims to explain Mr.'s life wisdom, from talking about the meaning of life to reading, living in the world, walking, the present, loneliness, life and death and other life topics that are closely related to you. The high mountains stop, and the scenery stops. May we be able to realize the true nature of all phenomena in the world and have the wisdom to deal with the world. Everything is safe and calm.

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